Theme: Design For Good

AIGA Maine presents our second annual poster show, Design for Good, on view at SPACE Gallery in Portland, ME from October 5-November 15, 2023. Our show features posters designed by creatives across various mediums that each represent their unique perspectives on this year’s theme, Design for Good. This theme was selected to promote and emphasize ways in which designers can impact social, political, economic, and environmental change.

Design For Good was organized by the Maine Chapter of the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA,) a national organization with the mission of advancing design as a professional craft, strategic advantage, and vital cultural force. AIGA Maine is one of 70 chapters focused on supporting the field of graphic design.

Thank you to SPACE Gallery for providing the space to display this great work, as well as all of the talented contributors who made this exhibit come to life.

Poster Gallery

Click on images to view larger versions.

Jennifer Adler

Eric Benoit

Gina Sterling

David “Trey” Jones

Zainab Sumu

Emily Foran

Amy Parker

Manassa Krishnan

Anh Lan Do

Sophie Zoe Chu

