Member Spotlight: Gina Sterling, AIGA Maine Board Member
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This month’s AIGA Maine Member Spotlight features Board Member Gina Sterling. We spoke to her about her work, life in Maine, and experience with AIGA.


About Gina:

Gina is a young, expressive digital designer and artist living in Portland, ME. She began using design software in middle school computer club, and although she had a life plan to become a German professor after graduating from Hood College in 2020, the pandemic pushed her back towards her creative roots. In her creative endeavors, she has grown a healthy online community of other designers of all ages from across the globe. Gina seeks to merge art and design to create work that is emotional, thought provoking, and cathartic.

Learn more about Gina and see her work at &

Q: Why did you join the AIGA board?
A: I joined the AIGA board to connect with my design community in Maine. I moved to Portland in 2020 and thought after three years, it was time to break out of my shell.

Q: What are you hoping to accomplish while on the board?
A: I hope to bring more of the younger designers in Maine together and shape the future of design here. I also really value making sure every barrier to entry of design are lowered, especially for those whose voices are oppressed or silenced, so it’s important for me to advocate for these individuals at both the planning and decision making level.

Q: What inspires you when it comes to design/graphic arts/visual communication?
A: My biggest personal inspirations in design come from my education in German, and specifically post WW1 expressionist art. Mixing the architectural structure of Bauhaus with emotions and experiences in everyday life and struggles really encompass the work that I am moving towards.

Q: Where can we most likely find you in Maine?
A: You can most likely find me having my regular Tamu Massif boba at Uncharted on Congress St, or searching the racks at vintage stores like Little Ghost or Material Objects.

AIGA Maine Member Spotlight is a regular series highlighting one of our members. If you would like to make a suggestion for an upcoming spotlight, please email us at

Published March 5, 2024