ZURB // Matt Kelly

Everyone wants responsive sites these days, and when it comes to building with a flexible framework for mobile-first design and development, Foundation is where it's at.

That's why we're excited to welcome Matt Kelly of ZURB—home of the Yeti-branded front-end framework at the forefront the movement. Product lead, partner and office dog owner, Matt will be joining us Thursday, Oct. 3 to talk about mobile-first design.

About ZURB
Facebook, eBay, Yahoo! Those are just a few of the clients ZURB has helped, but that's only a handful of the thousands of startups they've helped grow over the last 15 years. And in our opinion, it's not even the coolest thing about them.

ZURB is dedicated to design for people and they believe a designed world is a better world (can we hear an amen?). Check out their parallaxed manifesto goodness.

This is a community event; everyone should feel welcome. If for any reason you don’t, we want to know so we can make it right. Email president@centralpa.aiga.org or send an anonymous message.

Hoffman Ford

Startup Harrisburg


When & Where
Thu, Oct 3, 2013 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
Dixon University Center
2986 N. Second Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110