2013-03-15 14:30:00
2013-03-15 17:00:00
Student Portfolio Pre-Review
Salt Lake Library Public Library
AIGA Maine
Hello students! The Student Portfolio Review is split into 2 events. The Pre-Review is an event that will help you prepare for the big day in April. It is a great way to see other students work and see if your Portfolio is missing anything. The Pre-Review & Portfolio Review will be very valuable events and we hope you will participate in both.
March 15th, 2013
Salt Lake Library Public Library, 4th Floor Conference Room
210 East 400 South, Salt Lake City
Sign up today! SPACE IS LIMITED!
AIGA Member Admission :: $5
Non-Member Admission :: $15
Pre-registration Only
Portfolio Review
April 12th, 2013
Salt Palace Convention Center: Room 335
100 South West Temple, Salt Lake City
Registration TBA
The registration below is for the Pre-Review only. Space is limited. You are only allowed to sign up for yourself.
Senior Priority Registration :: Deadline Feb 28
Open Enrollment (All Students) :: Feb 28 - March 14th
2:30-5:00 :: Portfolio Pre-Review
4th Floor Conference Room
Salt Lake Public Library
Be sure to arrive at 2:30pm to set your portfolio up. At 2:45 sharp, we will begin the review. There will be an open review and small, professional-led break-out sessions for portfolio improvement and advice to better prepare your portfolio before the official Student Portfolio Review in April.
Parking at the Downtown Salt Lake City Library is available for $3/hr with a $12 max. The library is located at: 210 East 400 South, SLC, UT 84111.
You MUST bring a portfolio to be admitted into the Pre-review. It does NOT have to be perfect or complete. Bring what you have. If at all possible, we urge you to push your portfolio to the best state it can be in, only so you can improve it that much more for the Review in April.
We ask that you keep your portfolios to 8-10 pieces and that they are PORTABLE because everyone will be moving around the room and there are no stationary spots. We also recommend bringing pen & paper to write down suggestion the professionals will give you.
P.S. - we are still looking for professional reviewers! If you are interested in volunteering some of your time to review portfolios and interview students, please contact Mike, our Education Director, at mike@slc.aiga.org for more information.
Fri, Mar 15, 2013
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Salt Lake Library Public Library
Room 355
210 East 400 South
Salt Lake City, Utah