Ever thought about getting involved with AIGA but weren’t sure where to start? Have a vision for the future of design in Central PA? Love AIGA but think we could improve? Now is your opportunity to be heard and get involved through the Community Meetings each month.
Three reasons to attend:
• Network with other designers and design advocates
• Contribute ideas about the future of the design community
• Volunteer to help out or lead a new initiative
Community Meetings are designed to get everyone involved, to see first-hand how the board conducts regular business, and to have a voice. Central PA is a place where design thrives when everyone takes part.
Get up to speed on what we covered at our last Community Meeting.
Interested in hosting a Community Meeting? Email president@centralpa.aiga.org
This is a community event; everyone should feel welcome. If for any reason you don’t, we want to know so we can make it right. Email president@centralpa.aiga.org or send an anonymous message.