2013-10-24 13:00:00
2013-10-24 17:00:00
Muse Workshop
Alagasco Center for Energy and Technology
AIGA Maine
Even if you primarily design for print, it's a smart career move to have web design in your skill set, too. But
the learning curve is intimidating, and platforms can be limiting. You
want to control the design the way you do for print, yet have the end
result be functional enough to impress a techie.
Introducing Adobe Muse,
which enables graphic designers to create HTML websites for desktop and
mobile devices - without writing code! Muse lets you use familiar
features and shortcuts from products like InDesign, access hundreds of
web fonts, and add interactivity with built-in tools. Then you can take
your site live with your choice of hosting provider.
Join us for a half-day Muse workshop Thursday, October 24th led
by professional Adobe trainer Claudia McCue. You'll learn how to use
Muse's broad set of design and layout features to deliver professional,
highly-designed websites that meet the latest design standards. And be
prepared next time a client asks, "You do websites, right?"
WHEN: October 24, 2013, 1-5 pm
WHERE: Alabama Power
1313 6th Avenue North (view map) The auditorium is located on the left when you enter the front door. COST: $25 - non-AIGA members; $10 - members
Not a member? Join today for as little as $50 and support your design community while getting discounts and benefits for yourself. Learn more >
Questions? Contact us at aigabham@gmail.com.
Thu, Oct 24, 2013
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Alagasco Center for Energy and Technology
1313 6th Avenue North
Birmingham, AL