2013-09-27 08:30:00
2013-09-27 10:00:00
Early Shift with Kedron Rhodes
Atomic Object
AIGA Maine
Credible personas: Design personas help build empathy with the user. To create a credible one, you need a foundation of qualitative and quantitative data – and a few tips from an expert.
Come join us at Atomic Object on September 27th to learn how you can mine quantitative and qualitative data to construct a credible persona. Kedron will share examples, methods, success and failures that he has encountered over the years.
Inspired by the Creative Mornings model, Early Shift events consist of coffee, breakfast snacks and conversation starting at 8:30 AM, with the presentation starting promptly at 9 AM. Q and A will follow, and we will be out the door by 10 to get to work.
Limited tickets available now. Click here to register!
About Kedron Rhodes:
Kedron is a strategic designer, storyteller, and innovator working at Atomic Object. Serving as a design lead at AO, Kedron focuses on understanding the unique motivations of customers in order to deliver innovative solutions to the business challenges within each software project. Kedron has designed and built award winning web experiences for more than a decade. He has worked with U.S. congressmen, presidential candidates, public and private universities, and a variety of commercial and non-profit companies.
Sponsored by Startup Weekend Grand Rapids
Fri, Sep 27, 2013
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Atomic Object
941 Wealthy Street SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506