CSS 3 Web Fonts
Learn hands-on how to choose web fonts and enable them with @font-face. A live web site will be provided for each participant to practice and experiment on, along with access to WebINK web fonts. You will learn:

How “real” web fonts are transforming the web, and exactly how to implement them.
How to choose a great font.


* Laptop

* Basic familiarity with HTML and CSS

Limited to 12 attendees

Speaker: Thomas Phinney, Creator of the Hypatia Sans typeface
Typography guru Thomas Phinney is senior product manager for fonts and
typography, including the WebINK web font solution, at Extensis. From
1997-2008 he worked in type at Adobe, lastly as product manager for
fonts and global typography.

Thomas has long been involved in the design, technical, forensic,
business and historical aspects of type, as well as font standards
development. His typeface Hypatia Sans is an Adobe Original. He is also
treasurer of the international typographic association ATypI, and writes
extensively on typography for publications such as Communication Arts,
academic journals, Extensis blogs, and thomasphinney.com.

When & Where
Wed, Apr 4, 2012 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PDT
1800 SW 1st Ave, Suite 500
Portland, Oregon 97210