You have a great idea for a new product design and you’d love to make some passive income, but you're not sure how to get started - or if it's worth the effort. (Hint: It is!) Join us at the next Buzz meeting to hear what Samuel Schimek, owner of I Heart Denver Store in the Denver Pavilions, has to say on the subject. He has worked with hundreds of Colorado artists over the years, enabling them to sell their products to tourists and locals and helping them build long-term sustainable businesses.
As an added bonus, the next Buzz is being hosted at I Heart Denver Store, where Buzz participants can see firsthand what kinds of products local designers are creating and selling today.
I Heart Denver Store returns an unprecedented 70% of sales to the artists whose products are sold in the store. Westword included the store in its Best Of issues in 2012 and 2013, and in 2012, the store was profiled by The Denver Post, The
Atlantic, and Sunset Magazine. In 2013, the store was profiled by CBS4/Denver Business Journal and 5280 Magazine. Samuel won the prestigious CBCA Create Award in 2013.
Attendance will be limited to 30 people, so be sure to RSVP today!