Brian Buirge and Jason Bacher of GFDA are touring the country! And after three years of success, they will be stopping in Denver, CO. Head over to Battery 621 at 6:00pm on September 3rd to hear their story.
In September of 2010, GFDA was launched as a joke. But before they knew it, Co-founders Brian Buirge and Jason Bacher were selling shirts and prints from the basement of their rental property. During the past three years, they rose to C-List internet celebrity fame all while dividing their time between earning their MFAs, teaching courses part-time at Kent State University, maintaining the GFDA site, doing client work, and staying up all night packaging merchandise. Consequently, such a division of time results in many mistakes and f*ck-ups and they're eager to share those more than anything. As their favorite saying goes, "experience is that thing you get the moment after you need it." They take great pride in revealing the dumbest things they've screwed up, and how starting your own business doesn't require a business degree, venture capital, or years of experience.