Awkward. Dramatic. Fulfilling. Emotional.
High school is anything but black and white. It's a unique fusion of experience for everyone. So dust off those brushes and tune in to your past.
AIGA Atlanta and WonderRoot ask all you Atlanta designers to reach back, painful or joyful as it may be, and share what high school was like for you by creating a piece of art for this very special pin-up show. All mediums are open to you, just be sure your piece is ready to hang (no freestanding pieces please) and does not exceed 24 x 24 inches.
There will be a talkback for designers and current high school students during the opening reception.
Deadline for Registration: February 21
Work Drop-off: March 6, 3 pm - 8 pm
Opening: March 8, 7 pm
Gallery space is limited so please register early! You must register to participate, and participation is free.
Registration for the Opening Reception will be open in February.